HYMED Formulations

Formulating skincare products is no child’s play. As a truly responsible company that was founded to benefit humanity, we have put a lot of thought, care, love, science and holistic wisdom into our product formulation.

Formulation is not child’s play

Formulation is a scientific, technical process where one needs to have formal education in chemistry and also many years of experience formulating in a professional set up.
Many company founders say that they just dreamt up the product formulation and created the product by throwing a bunch of fruits and vegetables together in their kitchen blender as if they were making their morning smoothie! Yeah, right! Ironically, the first batch of Hymed was made in a kitchen blender but it was done by scientists who knew what they were doing.
To create a safe, anti-inflammatory, plant-based, vegan, non-toxic, preservative-free, gluten-free, and GMO-free skincare product loaded with plant-derived Hyaluronic acid, plant peptides, plant stem cells, antioxidants, and vitamins that all work together perfectly to restore your skin to its natural balance, one would need to have deep scientific knowledge and experience in many fields. These include, dermatology, pathology, aesthetics, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, microbiology, biochemistry, aromatic science, and color science in addition to practical lab experience in formulation, production, and manufacturing. Thus, it is a highly interdisciplinary process that is quite technical. This is why Hymed put together a diverse team of experts with a combined experience of more than 200 years from the very beginning.

The Process matters more than the ingredients

Take the example of gourmet cooking, It’s not like you can simply throw a bunch of ingredients into the pot and get gourmet soup.
Ingredients do matter, but it is the process that creates the taste and flavor. Each ingredient has to be used just the right way and combined in the right sequence. The oil has to be heated the right way and to the right temperature. The ingredients have to be added in the right sequence and cooked to the right degree. Thus, the same dish tastes different when cooked by different chefs, because their processes are different.
Another example is popular dishes served in restaurants. The taste of the same dish made with similar ingredients differs from restaurant to restaurant because their processes and recipes are different.
So, two skincare products from the stables of two different brands, may have similar ingredients but their recipes (formulas) would be different and also their processes of manufacturing would be different.
Many people believe that you can create a better product by adding more ingredients. This is not necessarily true. What matters is the formulation – the end result of your process. Is the product anti-inflammatory or not? Even products with the most expensive and extensive number of ingredients can cause inflammation.

Our Formulation (Our Recipe) is our secret sauce

Hymed products are different because they follow a unique formulation process. This process is guided by the principles of 5000-year-old Ayurveda and the techniques of modern science.
It is also guided by the findings of Hymed’s scientific research team consisting of Dr. Brian Jegasothy, Dr. Lingam, and others. We have summarized these principles into Hymed’s famous 7P principles (sometimes we truncate them to 5P principles).
It is these guiding principles applied to our scientific formulation process that help us deliver safe, non-toxic, vegan, plant-based, and preservative-free products year after year. And they are so safe, we test on ourselves first!