Beginning and Discovery

Since there were no non-irritating products on the market, a research team set out to develop a product line free of all ingredients that are irritating and potentially linked to cancer. Dr. Lingam worked with a team of dermatologists, chemists, and physicians headed by Brian Jegasothy, M.D. to formulate an irritant-free product for sensitive skin. This team, with over 200 combined years of experience, discovered that 99.9% of skincare products have ingredients that are harmful to the body on a long-term basis.

A Team of leading-Edge scientists came together In 1987

In 1987, a research team headed by Brian Jegasothy, M.D, former Chairman of the Department of Dermatology at The University of Pittsburgh, started his research to develop a skincare product for the sensitive skin of Vyrhi Lingam’s (Dr.Lingam) daughter.
The research team consisted of Dr. Lingam, a rocket scientist who hailed from generations of Ayurvedic medicine practitioners, plastic surgeons, physicians, allergists, naturopathic physicians, chemists, research scientists, anti-oxidation expert Dr. Paul Ellis (holds 150 patents worldwide), toxicology expert Dr. Tsao and Edward Janoski, a biochemist, who has over 50 years of experience in natural ingredients, herbs, vitamins, and Naturopathy.
. . . and created the Hymed Concept

Dr. Jegasothys Inflammation Theory laid the foundation for Hymed’s future research

Dr. Jegasothy, M.D postulated the theory that continuous inflammation, including sub-clinical inflammation, contributes to the alteration of DNA, is linked to the aging process and to cancer.
Sun, toxic skincare ingredients, processed food, and most importantly stress create FREE RADICALS that result in INFLAMMATION. Continuous inflammation contributes to permanent changes in DNA.
Changes in DNA are linked to aging and diseases like cancer. The immune system tries to repair the damage done to the DNA. However, if the immune system fails to handle all the DNA damage, the body is overwhelmed by the free radicals.

Scientific studies began to show a clear link between Parabens and cancer

In 1987, a research team headed by Brian Jegasothy, M. D, began research to develop a skincare product for the sensitive skin of Vyrhi Lingam’s (Dr.Lingam) daughter.

“Cosmetic preservatives parabens, found intact in 18 out of 20 breast tumors.” Darbe et al., University of Reading, UK. Journal of Applied Toxicology, New Scientist, Jan 2004

“Parabens is absorbed through the skin & mimics hormone estrogen.” Routledge et al., Applied Pharmacology 1998

“There is a tremendous amount of concern about falling sperm counts & increases in breast cancer which might result from exposure to estrogens.” Professor John Sumpter, Brunel University

Effect of Propyl Paraben on the male reproductive system (sperm count)” Oishi, S, Food Chemical Toxicology 40, 2002